“Ask an Expert” Sessions
Participants will have the opportunity to meet with University of Toronto professors and professionals in various fields and ask questions regarding continuing their education or pursuing a professional career.
Food Handler Certificate program
In cooperation with Toronto Public health, the TD Centre of Learning delivers food handler training program to new residents at no charge on a first come first serve basic. This program intends to help participants gain the training needed to find employment in the industry.
Regent Park’s Food Incubator Program
The program provides food entrepreneurs the opportunity to formalize and grow their businesses by providing Food Handling Certification Training, affordable commercial kitchen space, and access to market. Current pilot project is the Regent Park Catering Collective.
Sewing Circle
Participants get the opportunity to learn and practice sewing skills as part of a women group from the community. This will also be an opportunity for participants to meet other community members with similar interest and create new binds and relationships.